The City of Jonesboro was established in 1800 and was incorporated in 1818.  No records could be found before the year 1872.  The Mayor of Jonesboro in 1872 was Paul Frick. Jonesboro is the County Seat for Union County.  Jonesboro is also one of the sites for the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates. The population of Jonesboro as of the 2020 Census is 1711.


City Hall  1101 Public Square / P.O. Box 330

Office Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Phone # 618-833-2712  Fax # 618-833-3822

For emergencies after 4:00 p.m. call Union County Sheriff's Office 618-833-5500.

Jonesboro Police Department  1101 Public Square / P.O. Box 330

Phone # 618-833-5174

Volunteer Fire Department 102 W. Market St. / P.O. Box 330

For emergencies call 911

City Officials

MayorKen Blandford
City ClerkBrandi Boyd
City Treasurer    Shelly Pender
City Attorney       Webb Smith
Chief of PoliceBJ Hale
Fire ChiefTim Bowen
City SuperintendentBilly Alsip
Zoning Joe Hileman
A-J Water Commission BoardDoug Edwards

The Jonesboro City Council is made up of a Mayor and 6 Aldermen. The Mayor and Aldermen are elected for 4 year terms.  The Aldermen handle all issues relating to the city management, budgets, ordinances & resolutions, labor contracts, utilities and city streets.  The Jonesboro Council meets the 1st & 3rd Monday night of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Jonesboro City Hall.



Ward IBart Hileman

David Waun
Ward IISteve Haldeman

Beverly Schaefer
Ward IIIMike Stegle

Leni Lambdin

The City Clerk records the Jonesboro Council meeting minutes, ordinances & resolutions and maintains those records as permanent.

The City Treasurer keeps record of all receipts of revenues and disbursements of city funds. The City Treasurer prepares a monthly treasurers report detailing all monthly receipts and disbursements in comparison to the yearly budget.

The Zoning Board of Appeals ​is composed of a 7 person board.  The board shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Zoning Inspector. The board shall hear and decide all other matters upon which it is required to pass or make a determination under this code.

Building Permits can be picked up at the City Hall after talking with the Zoning , Joe Hileman.  The minimum building permit fee is $40.00.

Limbs and Brush that were trimmed or cut by property owner and placed curb side will be picked up periodically.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests should be directed to the Attention of the Jonesboro City Clerk at Jonesboro City Hall, P.O. Box 330 Jonesboro, IL 62952.

FOIA  fee schedule

1st 50 pages of printed material                         No Fee

Black & White copies after 1st 50 pages              $.15 per page

Color copies after 1st 50 pages                          $.30 per page

CD/DVD                                                             Cost to Produce          

HOLIDAYS observed by employees of Jonesboro are as follows:



New Year's Day

Labor Day

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday

Veteran's Day

Lincoln's BirthdayThanksgiving Day     
Presidents DayFriday after Thanksgiving
Good Friday

Christmas Eve

Memorial Day

Christmas Day

Independence Day



City of Jonesboro 19-20 Annual Treasurer's Report .pdf

City of

Jonesboro, Illinois